Spring is coming and I appreciate your support for our walks. It is a hard time for Wildlife Refuges and those who love them right now. Aldo Leopold, father of Wildlife Management, said something to the effect that even when it looks hopeless, we need to do our best. And so we will walk and enjoy the richness of Moosehorn in Spring.
Nature Walk on March 15, 9-11:30am. We will meet in the upper parking lot by the bathrooms. Join Maine Master Naturalists in checking out how spring is coming to the forest and streams. Dress warm, binoculars provided by Friends of Moosehorn. Cancelled in the event of rain, ice or snowstorm. FMI Bill @07-904-7023 or check Facebook for Friends of Moosehorn and Moosehorn NWR. Walk sponsored by Friends of Moosehorn and Fundy Audubon. Enjoy your Refuge.
Special invite to any Maine Master Naturalist to join us in this grand nature snoop. Peace, Bill