Ordinance Number Assigned: 1900-130
4-401 Regulations of Minors
No child who has not attained the age of 17 years shall be, or remain, upon the street,
alley or lane or in any public place in the City of Calais in the nighttime after 10:15 PM unless
accompanied by a parent or guardian, or other person having legal custody of such minor, or
unless the employment of such minor makes it necessary to be on the street, alley or lane or in
such public place after said time. For the purposes of this ordinance “public place” shall be
construed to mean all places which the public has access, including, but not necessarily
restricted to, the following places: restaurants, stores, dance halls, poolrooms, bowling alleys,
theaters, and other places of public amusement, and all other places open to the public.
4-102 Liability of Others
Unless a reasonable necessity exists therefore, no parent, guardian or other person
having the legal custody of any minor who has not attained the age of 17 years shall allow or
permit such minor while in legal custody, to be, or remain upon, such street, alley or lane or in
such public place after the time stated in Section 4-101 above. All times referred to in this
ordinance shall be in accordance with the legal time standard then in affect in said City of
4-103 Enforcement Procedure
In any case where a police officer observes a minor apparently under the age of 17
upon any street, alley or lane or in any public place in the City of Calais in the nighttime in
apparent violation of the provisions of this ordinance, the officer is authorized to detain the
minor temporarily for the purposes of ascertaining where he or she lives and the name of the
parent or guardian. Where reasonably convenient, the officer may convey the minor to his or
her place of residence and there to notify the parent or guardian of the violation. Where not
convenient, or where it is impossible to convey the minor to his or her home and leave minor
there in custody of a parent or guardian, because no one is at home, or for any other reason,
the minor may be taken to the Police Station to be detained there until a parent or guardian
can come to the Police Station and take custody of the minor. Such minors shall not be confined
in a cell or cellblock use for the confinement of adult offenders but may be detained in other
rooms at the Police Station while reasonably effort is made to notify a parent or guardian. Such
detention does not constitute an arrest and no photographing, fingerprinting or other booking
procedures shall be performed involving the minor, other than the normal entries made in the
Juvenile Detention Report, which report shall be considered confidential and for official use
only, in accordance with Maine law.
4-104 Penalty
Whoever violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished
by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), to be
recovered for the use of the City of Calais.