MSP Releases Internal After-Action Review of Lewiston Response

The Department of Public Safety and Maine State Police would like to thank the Independent Commission who dedicated their time and expertise to investigate the tragic events in Lewiston.  In keeping with the Commission’s support for a thorough examination, the Maine State Police is releasing an After-Action Review (AAR) of our response to the Lewison mass shooting and manhunt. This internal review allowed us to identify areas where best practices were accomplished and areas for improvement. Our internal AAR focused on our tactical response, investigative response,  incident management, crime scene response, communication and victim and family services. In addition, the AAR looked at Maine State Police’s transparency after the incident, training, equipment, and personnel and provided primary recommendations with additional recommendations to consider moving forward. Although there were other partners involved in the response this AAR was conducted and prepared by the Maine State Police for our internal use. Consistent with the Lewiston Commission the Maine State Police has requested the New England State Police Administrators Compact (NESPAC) to conduct an independent review of our AAR. NESPAC consists of all the New England State Police leadership which was created by individual state legislatures. (Maine 1965) MRS Title 25 Chapter 198 §1665. NESPAC was originally set up to combat organized crime in New England however most recently it’s been used to provide mutual aid in the event of police emergencies. Through the NESPAC leadership they can draw upon their subject matter experts to conduct a thorough review of the Maine State Police response on October 25-27, 2023. The Maine State Police intends to make ourselves fully available to NESPAC and provide any and all documents for them to conduct their review. Vermont State Police Colonel Matthew Birmingham will chair the independent review.   While we do not have a date yet for when this independent review by NESPAC will be completed, we are committed to this process and look forward to its findings.