The 20th Annual Turkey A Thon Is On!!!! Save The Date OCT. 11th, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen. Children of all ages. The 20th annual Turkey A Thon is on!!!!
No, not today or tomorrow. But October 11th, and it is going to be a humdinger.
There will be celebrities, (local ones), giveaways, (to our local food pantries), yelling, (by me), Cheering, (by everyone) and many surprises to celebrate our 20th.
This will be the year we will surpass one half million dollars in donations to Washington County food pantries, thanks to all of you.
Healthy Acadia will be organizing, planning, and flooding the internet with emails and updates.
WQDY / WALZ will be telling you all about the Turkey A Thon on the air, on their website,, and on their facebook page.
We are all hoping to pass our goal of $40,000 for this year, which will make it our biggest ever!!!!!
We can do it, with your help!
I will be updating everyone in the near future with messages from our fantastic sponsors, a list of locations of where you can donate, and information about how you can all get involved. It’s going to be a day to remember forever.
October 11th, 2024.
Be there or be square!!!
If you have any questions or ideas, please email me or give me a call at 207-214-5984
Thanks and I will talk to you all soon.