Barbara Barnett and Paul Strickland On The Street Beat

Down East Hospice Volunteers has been providing compassionate hospice volunteer care in Washington County for 43 years/
DEHV is a non-profit and we have donated office space in Down East Community Hospital in Machias and Calais Community Hospital in Calais.
The training is on June 6, 7, 11, 12, 13
Location – Down East Community Hospital / MacBride Building
Time – 10:00 to 3:00 / sometimes to 2:00, depending on how the day goes.
Applications can be downloaded from our web site –
Or call our office – 207-454-7521 ext. 9126  or Barbara Barnett @ 207-726-5087
Trainees must have their own vehicle.  No special background needed. 
We need time to receive an application and facilitate an in person interview prior to the first day of training.
Hospice volunteers provide:
Respite for care givers – someone can leave the home while the volunteer stays with the client
Companionship for the client and often for care givers
Emotional support
Some chores and errands
Help coordinate outside resources
We do a lot of sincere listening – everything shared is confidential
Hospice volunteers do not do the following:
Hospice volunteers DO NOT provide nursing care. 
Hospice volunteers DO NOT handle medications. 
These services are handled by the dedicated visiting hospice nurses.
When a volunteer has a hospice client, they usually visit for about 2 hours once or twice a week.
Volunteers can set limits during the training about how much time they want to provide and how often.  I work hard to match up the right volunteer with the client’s and care giver’s needs.
Snow birds are welcome!
We make an effort to keep hospice volunteers close to their community.  If a volunteer is willing to travel to another town, we will provide some gas cards.  We are able to do this due to donations, fund raising events and grants.
We need volunteers from every town in our county. 
many of you listening are already doing some of these things for friends, neighbors and family.  Think about helping out someone you have not yet met.  Your kind presence will make a difference.